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Publications & Downloads

In the interest of participating in the latest conversations on trends and to aid assocaites and patients in the understanding of advancing periodontal and oral surgical procedures the following selection of works authored by Dr. Richard Akin are provided:

  • 2014: Immediate Provisional dental implant Restoration: The intention of this review is to put forth a surgeons perspective for a biologically sound, functionally relevant and specialty-specific technique for providing provisional dental implant restoration at the time of tooth removal. This paper will also put forth the rationale for the use of provisionals and suggest that providing these techniques in the OMS office not only serves to optimize patient outcomes but also fills a need our specialty is positioned to innovate. A quick reference guide presented at the end of this article (Page 20) provides an overview.

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Bone Graft Icon

Bone Grafting

Oral surgeons can provide socket preservation procedures by grafting bone at the time of a tooth removal. Grafting can protect sockets from bone atrophy and prepare the area for an implant.

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Dental Implants

Dental implants have and can change many peoples' lives. They are designed to provide a foundation for a replacement tooth which looks, feels and functions like a natural tooth.

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Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last to erupt through the gums within the mouth. When they are aligned properly, the gum tissue is healthy, and there is adequate space, wisdom tooth removal is not necessary.

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Comprehensive Services

Bone Grafting Dental Implants Wisdom Teeth