Speaking Engagements
Dr. Akin provides a variety of resources for both doctors and dental hygienists to improve their skills and expertise and to assist them in providing exceptional patient care.
Upcoming Events
09.19.25 | Pankey Symposium Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
Past Events
11.06.24 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
09.20.24 | LSU School of Dentistry - Treatment Planning Collaboration Dr. Akin will be presenting lecture to Prosthodontics residents. |
09.04.24 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
05.08.24 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
05.04.24 | Synergy in Periodontal Concepts Dr. Akin attending in Denver, CO. |
04.19.24 | Professional Development 1 - LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture to first year dental students. |
03.22.24 | LSU School of Dentistry - Treatment Planning Collaboration Dr. Akin presenting lecture to Prosthodontics residents. |
02.07.24 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
01.26.24 | Professional Development 4 - LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture to senior dental students. |
12.12.23 | Greater Baton Rouge Dental Association Dr. Akin presenting lecture to GBRDA in Baton Rouge, LA. |
11.08.23 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
11.03.23 | Synergy in Periodontal Concepts Dr. Akin attending virtually. |
10.13.23 | LSU School of Dentistry - Treatment Planning Collaboration Dr. Akin will be presenting lecture to Prosthodontics residents. |
09.22.23 | LSU School of Dentistry Advanced treatment planning with senior dental students. |
08.30.23 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
07.19.23 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
06.09.23 | Pankey Course - Mastering Anterior Implant Esthetics: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
05.05.23 | Synergy in Periodontal Concepts Dr. Akin attending in San Francisco, CA. |
03.10.23 | Leading The Pack: Collaborative Approaches to Site-Based Dental Challenges: Dr. Akin presenting lecture to Dr. Finley's study club, "A Path to Excellence", in Lafayette, LA. |
03.03.23 | Professional Development 3 - LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture to junior dental students. |
02.01.23 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
01.25.23 | 2023 Seattle Study Club Symposium: Financial Freedom - Clinical Failure: Seattle Study Club, Inc. is an international network of doctors interested in furthering their knowledge to provide excellent care to each and every patient that comes into their practice. |
12.01.22 | AAOMS Dental Implant Conference 2022: Dr. Akin presenting lecture, "Enhancing the Soft Tissue Prior to Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement." |
11.18.22 | Professional Development 4 - LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture to senior dental students. |
11.02.22 | LSU Pre-Dental Society Meeting Dr. Akin presenting lecture to the dental students. |
10.26.22 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
10.20.22 | The Immediate Molar Implant: Using Restorative Techniques to Optimize Surgical Results: Dr. Akin presenting lecture to study club, "Charleston Collaborative", in Charleston, SC. |
09.30.22 | LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture, "Advanced Treatment Planning" to dental students. |
09.12.22 | 104th AAOMS Annual Meeting: Dr. Akin presenting lecture titled, "Failure of Anterior Maxillary Teeth with Loss of Hard and Soft Tissue". |
08.17.22 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
06.27.22 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
04.08.22 | Pankey Course - Mastering Anterior Implants Esthetics: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
02.18.22 | Professional Development 3 - LSU School of Dentistry - Virtual Dr. Akin presenting lecture titled, "Choosing Your Environment" - How Simple Things Can Enhance Your Enjoyment of Dentistry, to third year dental students. |
02.11.22 | Professional Development 4 - LSU School of Dentistry - Virtual Dr. Akin presenting lecture titled, "Beginner Mind - Expert Mind", to senior dental students. |
02.02.22 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
11.12.21 | LSU School of Dentistry - Virtual Dr. Akin presenting lecture: "Advanced Treatment Planning". |
10.27.21 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
09.27.21 | 103rd AAOMS Annual Meeting, Scientific Sessions and Exhibition: Dr. Akin will be presenting two lectures: "Immediate Molar Implants: Techniques for Placement and Managing the Soft Tissues" & "Esthetic Zone Provisionalization of Dental Implants for the OMS". |
08.18.21 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
06.28.21 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
05.20.21 | An Oral Surgeons Approach to Local Anesthetic Delivery, Tips for Anesthetizing Patients: Dr. Akin will be presenting to the Baton Rouge Dental Hygiene Association. |
04.12.21 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
04.06.21 | Posture Pain Performance - Brian Bradley, BKin: Dr. Akin will be hosting this live-stream session for hygienists in the BR area. |
03.12.21 | LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture: "Advanced Treatment Planning". |
02.03.21 | Essentials 3 Course: Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
01.21.21 | The Hygienist's Role On The Interdisciplinary Team - David Mugford, DMD, PA: Dr. Akin will be hosting this live-stream session for hygienists in the BR area. |
11.17.20 | Pre-Dental Society Meeting: Dr. Akin will be presenting a lecture, "Journey to Dentistry and Oral Surgery", to the dental students via Zoom. |
11.05.20 | EnRichment - Fall 2020 Dr. Richard Green lecturing on Behavior Growth and Development via Zoom. |
09.30.20 | Essentials 3 Course: Co-Instructor for Essentials 3 Course with Drs. Kelley Brummett, Michael Melkers, Michael J. Rogers & Mr. John Lavicka. Dr. Akin gave the Dental Implant component of the course. |
06.24.20 | 2020 Louisiana Dental Association Summer Education Conference: Dr. Akin will be presenting his lecture, "Approaches to the Uncommon: Treatment of Complex Dental Problems". |
05.13.20 | Pankey Pearls - Live Webinar: Dr. Akin presenting lecture: "Special Considerations with the Immediate Canine Implant". |
02.14.20 | LSU School of Dentistry Dr. Akin presenting lecture: "Advanced Treatment Planning". |
02.05.20 | Essentials 3 Course: Co-Instructor for Essentials 3 Course with Drs. Kelley Brummett, George Warga, David Bloom, Jennifer Vermillion, Gary Takacs, and John Lavicka. Dr. Akin will give the Dental Implant component of the course. |
09.26.19 | The Canadian Academy Of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics 27th Annual Scientific Meeting : Dr. Akin will be presenting his lecture: "Immediate Implant Provisionalization - A Surgeon's Journey". He will be discussing "The Akin Harmony Abutment" or "AHA!" during this lecture. Make sure to explore our website to find out more about the "AHA!". |
04.05.19 | Essentials 3 Course: Co-Instructor for Essentials 3 Course. Dr. Akin will be presenting his lecture: "Implant Provisionalization and Custom Healing Abutments". |
01.23.19 | 2019 Seattle Study Club Symposium - Dentist as CEO 2: Seattle Study Club, Inc. is an international network of doctors interested in furthering their knowledge to provide excellent care to each and every patient that comes into their practice. |
08.26.16 | Pankey Course - Treating Worn Dentition: In this hands-on program you will learn how to treat patients with worn dentition as well as how to identify the patterns and behaviors that lead to wear. You will learn how to diagnose, treatment plan and manage severe wear. |
05.14.16 | Improving Dental Implants Dr. Akin lectured at the Southestern Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Scottsdale, AZ in May 2016. His topic was on improving dental implants. |
02.12.16 | Essentials 3 Course Co-Instructor for Essentials 3 Course lead by Dr. Jim Kessler. Dr. Akin gave the Dental Implant component of the course. |
10.18.15 | Essentials 3 Course Co-Instructor for Essentials 3 course lead by Dr. Dale Sorenson. Dr. Akin gave the Dental Implant component of the course. |
09.17.15 | Posterior Immediate Implant Placement Dr. Akin gave a lecture, "Posterior Immediate Implant Placement: Methods to Develop the Soft Tissues", at the AAOMS National Convention (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) in Washington, D.C.. |
09.07.15 | Pankey Institutes Annual Meeting Dr. Akin gave a lecture, "A Surgeon's Journey to Bring Provisionals to Every Site," at the Pankey Institutes Annual Meeting in New Orleans. |
08.14.15 | Essentials 3 Course Co-Instuctor with Dr. Michael Fling, Dr. Mike Rogers, Dr. Liz Martin, and John Lavicka, CDT. Dr. Akin presented the dental implant component at the Essentials 3 Course. |
08.02.15 | Hygiene Extravaganza IV Our featured speakers this year were Catrice Opichka, RDH, Dr. Gwen Corbett, and Dr. Akin. |
04.27.15 | 2 Lectures at New Orleans Dental Conference Dr. Akin did two lectures at the New Orleans Dental Conference. "Success Through Provisionals: A Surgeon's Perspective" and "Predictable Immediate Molar Implants using the Harmony Concept." |
04.14.15 | The Pankey Experience "The Pankey Experience and Treatment Planning Anterior Implants" was a lecture given to 4th Year Dental Students with Co-Instructors Dr. Glenn Kidder and Dr. Kris Rappold. |
03.17.15 | Immediate Provisionals Lecture Dr. Akin hosted a lecture, "Immediate Provisionals: A Recipe for Success", for 20 doctors. We look forward to seeing you at the Hygiene Extravaganza 2016! |
09.12.14 | Dental Implant Seminar Dr. Akin moderated a Dental Implant Seminar at the AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. |
08.07.14 | Article Published Dr. Akin's article "Immediate Provisionalization: A Surgeon's Perspective" was published in Selected Readings in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. |
NOTICE: Dates indicate the start of an event. Some events last more than one day so please read the complete text for details.
See Dr. Akin’s full CV to view the lectures he has given and attended.